Thursday, April 24, 2014

Am I doing it right?

Hey guys! Stuff lately aren't going so well to be honest, for me at least.

In few months my whole world will start to sink if I don't pick the school. Here in Croatia after secondary or elementary school, I have to pick specific school that is educating for specific job and I don't know which one. My mind is full of thoughts about my future and school while other girls only think about money, parties and God knows what else not. I'm worried because while they're having fun I'm here sitting at home and searching for some school that might interest me. Am I doing it right? All of them picked some fine school with big dreams in their heads because they are "smart" not saying that they aren't, there are few of smart girls. I asked everybody to help me, mom, dad, I don't even want to ask grandma because she will start talking how it's not time for that now and how it's too late. I was going literally trough every school I found on internet and when I finally find one, somehow in my mind there is a picture how that might be hard or something.

For example I wanted to go for a cook and everything was fine until this happened in my mind:
Oh God you're going for a cook. Did you see Hell's Kitchen? Did you see how they work hard and how it's difficult? There is no way you will make it, you're loser, you'll fail, you'll get fired at the first day.

Okay thank you wonderful voice inside of my head telling me that I will fail. It's not like I'm planning to do it forever because my dream is to become a youtuber, but of course if I plan to move out from here, to start in other country, I will have to work as a cook somewhere so I can earn enough amount of money to pay for some flat there and bills too, until of course, I get chance to get paid or get that contract. Now I'm not being some spoiled little girl that is only thinking of money, but you do get paid and it is very important.

Am I doing it right? 

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