Saturday, April 5, 2014

Scared of big dogs and I finally did it

Hello everybody! 

I'm scared of big dogs. Like if there is some big dog on a street there is no way I will go anywhere at that time.
How it all started?
I think I was 3rd grade of primary school. It was beautiful day, thought nothing could go wrong. I was on my way to the bus station, I wasn't alone, there were few older people. I was walking and then out of nowhere my friend's big dog attacked me, he started jumping on me, he was barking really loud, it looked like he was mad. Even though there were older people, like 3 or 4 of them, nobody helped me, someone turned around, but didn't do anything, just continued walking. Since then I'm scared of big dogs and I kind of lost trust in people. I was shaking and crying, but nobody cared.

Time for other story.
Few weeks ago I was talking about my social anxiety and how I'm scared to talk to older people. Well today I finally did it. I talked to someone older than me, like I talked without fear or shaking, usually I shake or I'm scared, but not today. I felt better, but to be honest I still kind of worried if I told what I planned to tell. This is just another hard level I passed :)

This was all for today :) BYE 

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