Sunday, March 30, 2014

How babies are made?

Hey guys! It's a wonderful day here so why not waste it on writing this post haha :)

There are a lot of stories to say when some little kid asks you how babies are made, but of course you can't tell to little kind how exactly babies are made. So I was kind of thinking on how will I explain to kid someday (if I will have one of course) (I think I'm gonna be single forever) (or maybe even someone else's kid), here it is:


When mommy and daddy aka husband and wife kiss, little butterflies in mommy's aka wife's stomach bring loads of little, tiny babies. There is one little round house in there so they have to race which one will get first to the house and win. The one that gets first in the house WINS, but sometimes the one that came in first forgets to close the doors so one more baby enter the house. Trough the months, baby is growing bigger and bigger so it has to move to different house in another world. The end.

So that's it. This might sound crazy to some of you, but that was the first thing that come on my mind. Hope you liked it :) BYE

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