Hey guys!While I was watching videos on youtube, I saw this "10 LITTLE QUESTIONS TAG" by Jim Chapman so I decided to post them on here and answer them so where we go :)
1)What youtuber do you secretly have crush on?
Marcus Butler hehe :)
2)If you had a tardis, like in Doctor Who, how would you use it?
I'd go to time where I did my tests and do them correctly so I'd get positive mark and pass them all :D
3)Share a secret that none else knows...
Well I don't think there is any secret that none else knows because I always tell it to someone so I'm not sure...oh I got one,I have secret plan titled "Secret plan on how to make Niall fall in love with me".
4)What did you dream last night?
Well I had a dream that I'm on playground playing basketball with some people and then 1D boys come and challenge my team on basketball and if we win I get to date anyone I want.
5)If you could be a character from any film, who would you be?
I'd be catwoman from Catwoman because I love cats.
6)What are you excited for?
I'm excited for the day when I finish school and move to UK and finally (maybe,I hope) meet the boys.
7)If you ruled the world, what would you do first?
I'd put free wifi in every country on every corner so everybody had free wifi.
8)Sing the last song that was stuck in your head.
"Ladies and gentleman, this is something they call a ground-breaker, breaker...
I tried to do it in real life and well my mom told me to shut up, but I think I'm good at beatboxing.
10)What is something you want to achieve in the future?
I want to become successful youtuber or blogger and live from it.
So this was all for now :) credit to Jim Chapman for this little tag.
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