Sunday, March 23, 2014

Advice time

Hey guys!Here are some tips/advice for you :)

  • If you have something to say,don't keep it in,say it and let everybody hear you.Opinion,truth,answer to some question,just say it and don't be shy
  • If you have to go somewhere important but you're with your friends,go because that might be your last chance
  • If you don't feel comfortable/sick somewhere,leave because you have right to leave whenever you want and it might be something serious,just because there are some cool people doesn't mean you have to risk your health
  • If you don't want to do something,don't do it,say to that person you can't do it and if they start telling you how weak you are,just ignore them 
  • If you have feeling like someone is using you,leave them and if they ask why you say you can't be friend with them anymore because you don't need fake friends
  • If someone is offering you drug or cigarette,say NO because if you don't want it or you think that's not alright you shouldn't take it
  • If there is someone you like/love tell him/her because you only have one chance

These were all advice I have for you guys,I'm telling you because I ignored people when they were saying me these stuff and now I regret some of them,but when your evil side is stronger than your good side,evil wins and that's not good.I hope these advice help you somehow :)

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